Raise has wide experience in going in to schools and presenting Collective Worship / Assemblies on a number of great Christian themes to fit your SEAL, SMSC or Values for Life criteria. We can come in to lead RE Experience days, prayer spaces in schools and RE lessons to help enhance and bring to life Christian themes in your syllabuses. 

 "The children are always excited to see Andy and his team for assembly! The profound messages they express about all aspects of life are conveyed through a range of drama (including the ever-popular funny wigs and voices!) games and audience participation that fully engage the children and always leave them with something to think about. I would wholly recommend Andy and his team for any school assembly or Christian RE topic."

Sheila Greenacre : Head Teacher, Wicklewood Primary School : Assemblies 

Raise Factoids


Raise is in over 30 schools and has led over 100 collective worship since 2018
